G-Golf Debian Packages

This page contains installation instructions for G-Golf Debian packages.

Debian testing and unstable

Install package g-golf with Synaptic package manager or command

	sudo apt install g-golf
You may optionally install the example program packages g-golf-gtk-4-examples and g-golf-adw-1-examples.

Debian stable, Ubuntu Oracular, and Ubuntu Noble

If you are satisfied with the older version of the software follow the instructions in the previous section. If you want the newest debianized version follow the instructions in the next section.

Other Debian-based systems with Guile 3.0

Create a directory for the build and copy g-golf-0.8.0~rc7.tar.xz and g-golf_0.8.0~rc7-1.debian.tar.xz there. Change into the directory and give the following commands:
      tar xvf g-golf-0.8.0~rc7.tar.xz
      ln -s g-golf-0.8.0~rc7.tar.xz g-golf_0.8.0~rc7.orig.tar.xz
      cd g-golf-0.8.0~rc7
      tar xvf ../g-golf_0.8.0~rc7-1.debian.tar.xz
Give command dch -e. An editor window should open. Change 0.8.0~rc7-1 to 0.8.0~rc7-1~pre1 in the first line, save the file, and exit the editor. Execute commands
      dpkg-buildpackage --no-sign -b
      cd ..
      sudo dpkg -i g-golf_0.8.0~rc7-1~pre1_ARCH.deb
Replace ARCH with the architecture of your system. You can find out the architecture with command
      dpkg-architecture -q DEB_HOST_ARCH
If you want to install the example programs, too, execute commands
      sudo dpkg -i g-golf-gtk-4-examples_0.8.0~rc7-1~pre1_all.deb
      sudo dpkg -i g-golf-adw-1-examples_0.8.0~rc7-1~pre1_all.deb
Note that the Adw examples package requires version >= 1.5.0 of package gir1.2-adw-1.

Debian-based systems with Guile 2.2

Create a directory for the build and copy g-golf-0.8.0~rc7.tar.xz and g-golf_0.8.0~rc7-1.debian.tar.xz there. Change into the directory and give the following commands:
      tar xvf g-golf-0.8.0~rc7.tar.xz
      ln -s g-golf-0.8.0~rc7.tar.xz g-golf_0.8.0~rc7.orig.tar.xz
      cd g-golf-0.8.0~rc7
      tar xvf ../g-golf_0.8.0~rc7-1.debian.tar.xz
Change GUILE_VERSION from 3.0 to 2.2 in debian/rules. Change guile-3.0 to guile-2.2 and guile-3.0-dev to guile-2.2-dev in debian/control. Remove the (>= 3.0.7) in debian/control. Give command dch -e. An editor window should open. Change 0.8.0~rc7-1 to 0.8.0~rc7-1~pre1 in the first line, save the file, and exit the editor. Execute commands
      dpkg-buildpackage --no-sign -b
      cd ..
      sudo dpkg -i g-golf_0.8.0~rc7-1~pre1_ARCH.deb
where ARCH is the architecture of your system. If you want to install the example programs, too, execute commands
      sudo dpkg -i g-golf-gtk-4-examples_0.8.0~rc7-1~pre1_all.deb
      sudo dpkg -i g-golf-adw-1-examples_0.8.0~rc7-1~pre1_all.deb
Note that the Adw examples package requires version >= 1.5.0 of package gir1.2-adw-1.

GPG signature

The GPG signature for the source package is available at g-golf-0.8.0~rc7.tar.xz.asc. The public key can be found at signing-key.asc. The public key can also be found in the debianization package at debian/upstream/signing-key.asc.

Last updated: October 8, 2024

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